No–cost site creator
A drag&drop site creator with a selection of mobile–optimized free of charge templates.
GraficionadHost offers a user–friendly site creator which you can utilize to set–up your site without the need of having to put down even one line of code. It is extremely straightforward, with a very familiar dashboard. The site creator features an array of distinctive themes which are suitable for numerous website purposes, and each site template has lots of color and layout options. Plus, all website themes are responsive and work flawlessly across tablets and phones.
The site creator is present with all cloud web hosting plans, VPS hosting plans, semi-dedicated plans, and dedicated web hosting plans plans, as long as you chose the GraficionadHost Web Site Control Panel.
An easy–to–use site creator
No technical experience is necessary
The main asset of the GraficionadHost’s site creator is that it is really plain to use. It operates with layout components which you can add, customize and rearrange as you like. Anytime, you have the option to insert photos and videos, set up a diary, or place a shop cart on your site, all with a click of the mouse.
You can do all that and make a good–looking site without ever having to pen a single line of HTML, CSS, etc.
A selection of easy–to–customize themes
Super cool website designs that look cool on every type of device
Using the site creator, you’ll gain access to quite a number of free–of–charge themes for all manner of websites such as personal pages, ecommerce stores, community boards, to name a few.
Each template comes in various layouts and offers lots of color configurations. Plus, you will gain access to a huge collection of licensed images and will be able to cherry–pick from more than a hundred different fonts for your site. Each site theme is optimized to work across all mobile devices. If you want to replace a selected template, you will be able to complete that with a click. All of the pages and tweaks you have completed will be transferred over.
Built–in Help Center and step–by–step video tutorials
Check out how smooth it actually is to design a site
In case you need any type of guidance making use of the GraficionadHost’s site creator, there are numerous step–by–step articles and videos that cover the most commonly asked questions.
Using them, you will be able to learn just how to edit your current template, how to add new pages to a site or maybe how to embed a photo gallery.
And if you can’t find the information you need there, you can always reach out to us. We are online at any moment and we answer to all support cases in under an hour, guaranteed.