If you have root-level access to a server, it indicates that you will have full control over it. In other words, you'll be able install any server-side application whatever the changes that it will make to the software environment on the server, and you're able to both access and update any kind of file, which includes system files, and change any settings. This can be done by connecting to the server as a root user that has full privileges to perform the aforementioned things and to make other users, including users who also have full privileges. This connection can be established with a web-based graphical interface or a Secure Shell console. For security reasons, it's recommended that you create another user for your everyday work and use the root user only when you need to customize the server or to set up software which may be needed by a script-driven app that you want to run.
Full Root-level Access in VPS Servers
The VPS hosting plans which we offer are suitable for various different purposes, depending on what you wish to set up and run on them and what experience you have. If your hosting server features the cPanel or the DirectAdmin website hosting Control Panel, you will have full root access and will be able to take care of your Internet content using a graphical interface, while you can still install server-side applications that may be needed by your web sites and even by offline apps, for example VoIP software, media encoding software, various frameworks, and many others. Devoid of Control Panel, you'll also have full root-level access, but you'll have to do everything through a console. If you choose to use our tailor-made Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, there'll be certain root access limitations, but this configuration is the easiest to control. This way, you will be able to choose the virtual server package that you need.
Full Root-level Access in Dedicated Servers
In case you pick the cPanel or the DirectAdmin hosting Control Panel, you will have full root access to your new dedicated server, regardless of which of our packages you will pick throughout the registration process. The very same is valid if you decide not to install a Control Panel at all. All our servers give you the option to run both really resource-demanding apps which are too heavy for a regular shared website hosting account and applications which have particular requirements as to what the program environment on the website hosting server should be. The latter is something which can't be achieved on a shared machine, because no server-side software can be set up on it. The difference between the aforementioned alternatives is that without a Control Panel, server management can be done only from a console, while if you obtain cPanel or DirectAdmin, the majority of system settings as well as your site content can be controlled through a graphical interface. If you pick Hepsia, which is the last Control Panel option on the registration page, you'll get a server with limited root access.